Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Well, yesterday we were all surprised by some late afternoon ice. It was just raining, but I guess the ground was cold enough that the streets were soon covered in ice. It took me an hour and 20 minutes to get somewhere that should have taken about 10-15 minutes. Thom left work around 5 or so, and got stuck on the bridge from Indiana to Kentucky. Apparently, they closed the bridge due to ice, but didn't tell anyone! So he sat on the bridge entrance ramp for a couple hours, until he could get turned around. Once he got turned around, he headed towards Ohio, and came across that way into KY and home. 5 hours later, he was home. Thank goodness this happened yesterday, and not today on Christmas Eve! Here's to safer weather for everyone today and on Christmas.

1 comment:

erica said...

Wow, that stinks for Thom-- I'm glad he got home safely! They closed the bridge across the Mississippi river a couple of weeks ago when we had our crazy Louisiana snow and nobody knew what to do, and there were people that got stuck for the entire day (and there's no quick route around, since there are only ferries across the river for several miles in each direction). I hope you guys are warm and safe now, and have a Merry Christmas with that precious little boy!