Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Name Is. . .

I don't know if you can tell from this picture, but these are Eli's adorable pj's with his name on the butt. They were a Christmas gift from his Uncle Josh and Aunt Jenny. Anyhow, Eli has become even more vocal lately. He's found some new sounds and wants to make sure everyone hears them. He has also discovered shouting and loves to do this high pitched shrieking sound. And he's saying "da" all the time. Which, by the way, why is "da" easier to say than "ma?" Does it just make it that much more special to here "ma" for the first time or what? Thom thinks it's great, because Eli also makes this "ta" sound - so Thom says his saying "Dada" and almost saying "Thom." Okay, whatever.

So we're getting ready to go to Denver this weekend. Thom's cousin is getting married in Vail on Saturday. We're flying into Denver Thursday, and driving to Vail on Friday afternoon. My friend, Lisa, from college is now living in Denver, and I am really excited to see her on Thursday. Eli will get his first plane ride, and we will get our first plane trip with a baby. If you've never seen me pack for a trip, I agonize over what to pack for myself. I drive myself nuts and it takes me forever. So now imagine this times two, because I am also packing for Eli. There's a giant list of "things" and small piles of stuff to take in various locations of the house. I am sure by Thursday morning, I will have driven Thom nuts and I will be ready for a big glass of wine or something. So pray for our sanity as we get ready. . .

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