Monday, July 6, 2009

It's Been a Long, Long While

Well, apparently, we've been really busy lately and updating took a backseat for a while. I'll try to break down the last several weeks into a couple shorter posts with some pictures.

Our trip to Hilton Head the end of May was really great. We had wonderful weather - I guess the two weeks before we got there were cold and rainy and miserable. So we got lucky and got in lots of good beach time. Eli had fun at the beach, but really would rather be swimming in the pool. So there were several trips from our post at the beach up to the pool.

We realized that this is the last year that one of us (Thom or me) could relax while the other is entertaining or watching Eli. Next year, there will be two little ones to entertain/chase/watch. So we tried to enjoy this while we could!

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