Sunday, May 17, 2009

3 + 1 = 4

That's right, our family of three will soon become a family of 4!! I am about 14 weeks pregnant, due November 17 (on my Grandma Mehling's birthday, and two days before my 30th birthday!)

Of course, we're very excited, as is the rest of the family. I still think Josh's reaction was one of the best. We just kind of let it come out in conversation, and I don't think he really realized what was said right away, so we repeated the news, and he was very surprised.

And Thom was going to take me to Vegas for a surprise for my 30th birthday in November, but we changed plans and are going the end of June. We realized if we didn't go before the baby came, it would be a really long time before we could go!

So that's our latest family news. I had an ultrasound a couple weeks ago, and everything looked good. And I heard the heartbeat at my appointment last Wednesday. My fibroid that shared space with Eli when I was pregnant with him, is already up and growing with the new baby - in fact, it was twice as big as the baby at my ultrasound. The benefit to that is that I will probably have at least one extra ultrasound in addition to the 20 week ultrasound.

Speaking of ultrasounds, Thom says he doesn't want to know the sex of the baby this time. So don't be bugging me about what it is! It will completely be up to him if he wants other people to know (but that doesn't mean to fill his email inbox with pleas or to harass him when you see him!).

Anyhow, I will try to post more throughout the summer. We're leaving next weekend for Hilton Head, so I'm sure we'll have good pictures from the trip.


erica said...

How exciting! I know all sorts of people who are pregnant right now-- it's such a fun time. I can't wait to see Eli as a big brother. =) Congrats to all of you!

Annie Beth said...

I read this a long time ago but forgot to comment...

Congratulations. Keep us updated. Post those ultrasound pictures. Enjoy being pregnant again.