Sunday, July 6, 2008

Kitty on Steroids

As some of you may know, our cat, Tia, has not been herself since we got back from vacation about a month ago. I took her to the emergency vet as soon as we got home that Saturday evening (3 hours in the animal ER plus 12 hours in the car make for a very long day). Anyhow, they couldn't find anything wrong with her. Well, she still had not gotten any better and I was really starting to worry about her. So we took her to the vet last Wednesday. After a very lengthy exam, the vet recommended an x-ray on her back. She had a myriad of possibilities - a neural muscular issue (like MS), a broken back, a herniated disc, or who knows what else. So we did the x-ray, which was negative, so no broken back. So we decided to treat it as a herniated disc - steroids and pain medicine. And if she wasn't any better within a week we would reevaluate. Luckily, she does seem to be doing better. This is her first day without pain medicine, so we'll see if she continues to get better. I want to make sure the pain killers weren't masking her pain enough that that alone was allowing her to move around better. So we'll see what happens.

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